Written by: Xuân Phi, 29/09/2024
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 30/09/2024
Question: Nowadays in many countries household waste e.g. food packaging is increasing day by day. What are the causes for that? How can this problem be solved?
(IELTS Academic – 28/09/2024)
ANSWER (8.0+):
Domestic rubbish, including food packaging, is on the rise in many nations today. This issue stems from two primary causes, namely consumerism and population growth.
There are two main reasons for the rise in household waste. The most compelling one is overconsumption. People frequently make unnecessary purchases, often discarding items, including food packaging, irresponsibly. For example, in the United States, a culture of convenience and excessive buying has led to an overflow of disposable packaging waste. Additionally, population growth plays a significant role in the increasing waste problem. As populations expand, the demand for food and consumer products also grows, resulting in more packaging waste. In Vietnam, the population has nearly doubled over the last few decades, contributing to overflowing landfills filled with discarded packaging materials.
Despite this trend, governments can help reverse it through effective action. One solution is to launch awareness campaigns that promote responsible consumption habits. These campaigns can be spread through mainstream and social media channels to reach a wide audience. For example, Japan has successfully implemented programs that encourage most citizens to make thoughtful shopping decisions, such as creating shopping lists and avoiding impulse purchases. Another solution is to manage population growth through policies that reduce birth rates. China’s one-child policy, for instance, has helped curb population growth, which in turn has slowed the rise in consumption and waste.
In conclusion, the increase in household trash can be attributed to rising consumerism and population growth. However, by promoting responsible shopping habits and controlling the birth rate, governments can significantly mitigate this problem. Therefore, public resources should be allocated to support these efforts effectively.
(Word count: 285)
Domestic rubbish | Rác thải sinh hoạt |
Consumerism | Chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng |
Government-led awareness campaigns | Chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức do chính phủ lãnh đạo |
Initiatives | Sáng kiến |
Excessive buying | Mua quá nhiều |
Disposable packaging waste | Chất thải bao bì dùng một lần |
Overflowing landfills | Các bãi rác quá tải |
Responsible consumption | Tiêu dùng có trách nhiệm |
Reach a wide audience | Tiếp cận được nhiều đối tượng |
Curb population growth | Kiềm chế gia tăng dân số |