Written by: Xuân Phi, 27/06/2023
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 28/06/2023
Question: Nowadays, many people decide to have their first child in their later life. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
(IELTS Academic – 24/06/2023)
ANSWER (8.0+):
It is evident that many couples choose to delay having children. This trend can be attributed to the growing financial pressure and the desire of prospective parents to fully prepare for the role; however, I consider this change to be completely disadvantageous given its effects on people’s health and family relationship.
To commence with, there are two primary factors contributing to delayed childbirth. Chief of these is the increasing financial responsibilities of upbringing a child. It is evident from the ascending inflation rate and price hikes in accommodation, nourishment, medical care and clothes for babies. That explains why young couples prioritise saving and establishing a stable source of income before embarking on parenthood. The second reason is the fact that being a good parent can be a daunting task for today’s youngsters. Effective parenting requires competent caregiving skills and a profound understanding of a child’s behaviour and characteristics which modern-day young people are generally short of. This shortage causes some to delay having children until they feel adequately ready to assume such a crucial role.
From my perspective, this trend is negative to both individuals’ well-being and familial connection. Regarding the former, postponing parenthood puts babies and their mothers’ health at risk. It is scientifically proven that women who conceive later in life, especially at the age of 35 and beyond, face an increased likelihood of miscarriage or complications during labour, while newborn babies are more likely to suffer from innate health problems such as down syndrome. Concerning the latter, delayed childbirth gives a rise to the age gap between children and their parents. This age disparity can, in turn, result in challenges in understanding one another, leading to a wider generation gap and potential familial conflicts that can strain relationships.
In conclusion, the fact that couples are having children at a later stage can be explained by the heightened monetary burdens as well as the need for more adequate parenting preparation, and in my opinion, this is a negative development considering the consequences on the overall well-being and family bond. That is why governments should provide incentive programs to encourage the young to start a family and have children at an earlier age.
(Word count: 364)
Delayed childbirth
Postponing parenthood |
Sinh con muộn
Làm cha mẹ muộn |
Ascending inflation rate | Tỷ lệ lạm phát tăng dần |
Price hikes | Tăng giá |
Embarking on parenthood | Bắt đầu làm cha mẹ |
A daunting task | Một nhiệm vụ khó khăn |
Competent caregiving skills | Kỹ năng chăm sóc thành thạo |
Short of | Thiếu |
Assume such a crucial role | Đảm nhận một vai trò quan trọng như vậy |
Conceive | Mang thai |
Miscarriage | Sẩy thai |
Age disparity | Chênh lệch tuổi tác |
Familial conflicts | Xung đột gia đình |
Heightened monetary burdens | Gánh nặng tài chính |