Written by: Xuân Phi, 15/11/2021
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 17/11/2021
Question: Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
(IELTS Academic – 13/11/2021)
This week’s post includes two essays – one marked 5.5 and one marked 8.0+; this is meant to make a comparison in terms of the use of vocabulary, essay structure and grammar between the two.
ANSWER (5.5):
Some say that children should start learning as early as possible whereas others believe that they should wait until they turn 7 years old. This essay will explore both sides of the debate and then I will give my opinion.
It is easy to see why some parents want their children to start formal education at an early age as those parents want to see their children succeed early on in their educational career and they want their children to prepare themselves for the wider world in their later lives. Therefore, they wouldn’t end up lost and confused when they reach the age when they have to go and live in the world. This is evident with how many parents often send their children to formal schooling once they immediately become toddlers since they want to see their kids get a start to their educational career and succeed earlier than other friends.
However, it is possible that postponing children’s education until the age of 7 might be better. It is because by that age, they would have developed their skill set and discipline just good enough to make the learning process easier on themselves. They would’ve also reached an adequate cognitive level so that they would have less difficult with their classes. This is demonstrate by how some Euro countries encourage their children to please wait until they are 7 years old to start school since they will be intelligent enough to start learning rather than starting too early.
In conclusion, while sending children to school early can give children a early start to success in the future, I contend that delaying their education until they turn 7 years old boys and girls is more preferable since children by then will be able enough to handle the class.
Word count: 298
ANSWER (8.0+):
It has been argued by some that children should start learning formally by the time they become toddlers, but others state they should wait until they turn 7. While starting formal education early can help ease parental duties, I would assert that it is more preferable to delay formal schooling until children reach 7 years of age as it is less stressful for them especially during the pivotal stages of early childhood.
In most nations today, parents must resort to sending children to school early in order to have more time for work. A key reason is that with growing workloads and increasing living costs, they may be compelled to send their children to kindergartens and childcare centers, which can in turn afford them more time for work. In the US, more than half of children aged 5 and below are enrolled in either a kindergarten or a childcare center with the majority of them having at least one employed parent. This is mainly due to parents wanting to devote more time toward their careers, thus forcing them to outsource their child-rearing obligations to others.
However, postponing education until the age of 7 might engender better overall development. This can be attributed to the fact that academic study during children’s early years can lead to unwanted stress. Many young children are cognitively and emotionally unable to handle the often burdensome schoolwork and rules at schools. Hence, this practice is not necessarily ideal for those in the initial stages of their lives, who should be encouraged to enjoy their childhood rather than be over-burdened in their studies. In some Nordic countries, children do not start their formal education until they reach 8 years of age, with much of their early childhood education defined by play-based programs that emphasise fun and social skills. This has resulted in those countries boasting some of the best performing students in the world, often ranking highly in most educational surveys.
In conclusion, although sending children to school early can relieve parents of the burdensome pressure of parenthood, I contend that delaying their education until they turn 7 is more preferable since it reduces stress during their early years. Ultimately, national school boards should offer the option for parents wanting to wait until their offspring reach 7 years of age.
Word count: 383
Ease parents of their parental duty |
Giảm bớt trách nhiệm cha mẹ của các phụ huynh |
To resort to sth |
Đành làm một việc gì đó |
May be compelled to do sth |
Có thể bị bắt buộc làm một việc gì đó |
Send their brood/children to kindergartens and childcare centers |
Gửi con cái đến các trường mẫu giáo và trung tâm chăm sóc trẻ em |
To outsource their child-rearing obligations to others |
Thuê người khác chăm con hộ |
Postponing/delaying children’s education |
Lùi/hoãn việc giáo dục của con cái |
Might entail better development |
Kéo theo sự phát triển tốt hơn |
Unwanted stress |
Căng thẳng ngoài ý muốn |
Well-equipped |
Được trang bị tốt |
The sufficient physical and mental capacity |
Đủ năng lực thể chất và tinh thần |
The initial stages of their lives |
Các giai đoạn đầu trong đời |
Be buried in their studies |
Vùi đầu trong học tập |
Play-based programs |
Chương trình vui chơi |
To boast sth |
Khoe khoang một điều gì đó |
The burdensome pressure of parenthood |
Trách nhiệm nặng nề của việc làm cha mẹ |
National school boards |
Hội đồng trường quốc gia |
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