Written by: Xuân Phi, 09/05/2022
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 10/05/2022
Question: Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the restrictions of the government. Do you agree or disagree?
(IELTS Academic – 10/05/2022)
ANSWER (8.0+):
It is argued that all nations should have a right to export any products to different parts of the world without governmental interference. I totally disagree with this notion due to the potential dissemination of diseases and the negative influence on the development of local products.
The first and foremost disadvantage of enabling countries to distribute their products globally with no governmental control is the spread of diseases. More specifically, as a variety of goods are imported into a certain country, numerous dangerous fungi or contagious viruses can be transferred along. If the importing of these commodities does not undergo a thorough inspection by the authorities and receive their approvals, such harmful microorganisms may be transmitted domestically, posing a threat to human health. A case in point is the plague in England in AD 541. Due to the transporting of some animals such as rabbits from overseas, a bacterium causing this disease was delivered into this country, leading to thousands of deaths.
Secondly, I note that this practice will adversely impact the prosperity of local businesses. This is because they have to face fierce competition in the national market as a wide range of products originating from different nations offers local consumers an abundance of choices. In other words, people may show little preference for locally–made products since they can buy those made internationally with a greater range of designs and cheaper prices. If local enterprises do not make any timely changes to meet consumers’ demand, they would likely yield little profits or even collapse. Therefore, governmental supervision should be tightened to ensure that certain products are not sold to cater to the benefits of local firms.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that this proposal is a negative development owing to the possible global spread of infections and the potential risk to the success of local businesses. Therefore, it is advisable that the government impose strict control on the export and import of global commodities.
(Word count: 325)
the potential dissemination of diseases | khả năng lây lan bệnh dịch |
undergo a thorough inspection | trải qua một cuộc kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng |
receive one’s approvals | nhận được sự chấp thuận của ai |
be transmitted domestically | được truyền trong nước |
the prosperity of local businesses | sự thịnh vượng của các doanh nghiệp địa phương |
face fierce competition | đối mặt với sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt |
show little preference for | ít ưa thích |
make timely changes | thực hiện những thay đổi kịp thời |
yield little profits | mang lại ít lợi nhuận |
the possible global spread of infections | khả năng lây lan toàn cầu của các bệnh lây nhiễm |