Written by: Xuân Phi, 22/10/2023
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 23/10/2023
Question: The picture shows the process of growing and making products from pineapples.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features.
(IELTS Academic – 24/10/2023)
ANSWER (8.0+):
The process illustrates how pineapples are cultivated and prepared for sale. Overall, it requires approximately a year for a pineapple to reach full maturity. Depending on the size, harvested pineapples can be processed into juice, canned, or shipped as fresh produce.
Regarding the growing process, pineapple plants are carefully arranged with a spacing of 26 cm between each plant and a temperature of about 28 to 30 degrees Celsius. After 7 months, chemicals are introduced into the cultivation process, and after a 5-month period, pineapples that have reached 30 cm in height and 2 kg in weight are considered ready for harvest.
Concerning the production process, harvested pineapples of all sizes are first washed with water. After that, the smaller-sized fruits are processed to remove leaves and the outer rind, and subsequently put in an extractor for juice. For medium-size ones, after removing the leaves and outer skin, producers slice and pack them in cans for retail. In contrast, larger pineapples are left uncut but coated in wax, and stacked in crates for shipment.
(Word count: 174)
Cultivated | Được trồng |
Reach full maturity | Đạt đến sự trưởng thành hoàn toàn |
Processed into | Được xử lý thành |
Cultivation process | Quá trình canh tác |
Smaller-sized fruits | Quả nhỏ hơn |
Medium-size | Kích thước trung bình |
Outer skin | Vỏ ngoài |
Coated in wax | Phủ trong sáp |
Stacked in crates | Xếp chồng lên nhau trong thùng |